
Chapter -Quality by John Galsworthy-boot maker @2024 #4


1)Describe the shop

Ans)The boot-making shop had no sign upon it other than the name of Gessler Brothers. It was simple and there was no sign of modern era. In the window a few pair of boots that signifies he made only what was ordered. It also portraits the mindset of the Gessler Brothers,they immensely loved making boots and the designs were like they have been making for years,no modern shoes or designs were found.

2)How did Mr.Gessler react hearing his shoes have creaked?

Ans)Mr.Gessler was shocked as if some part of him has gone. He was deeply saddened and couldn’t believe that his shoes could creak.

3)Comment on the author’s relationship with the Gessler Brothers.

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Paper Setter : Diyasha Bhowmik
Center : Brains Tutorial
Contact : 94329 28352